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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |
CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSIONS 7 15 AI I I 0MA1 IC TRANSMISSION The Corvair Powerglide service operations remain sheath to secure the cable to the range selector the same as covered in the 1965 Corvair Chassis Shop bracket Manual except for the removal of the TV pressure test 4 Insert the cable eye onto the actuating post on the plug 0n the front pump cover Information as to proce range selector lever and secure with the E dure and checks of the TV pressure will therefore not retainer apply to 1966 or 1967 In this respect the Corvair 5 Install the instrument cluster in the instrument panel Powcrglide is now similar to the Aluminum Powerglide as described in Section 12 used in Passenger Cars and Trucks 6 After a range selector removal or replacement check the shift linkage and neutral safety switch ad POWERGLIDE RANGE SELECTOR REPLACEMENT justments as described in Adjustments earlier in Removai and mstaiiatmn prOcet1ures my the 1965 67 tms S U Corvair automatic transmission range selector should be POWERGLLDE MANUAL SELECTOR CQNTRQL revised Instrument cluster removal is required in order CABLE REPLACEMENT to remove the E clip from the range selector as sembly Revise and supersede existing copy in the 1965 TWG l965 67 COYV iI Selector CO U 91C3b1 AS mmY Corvair Chassis Shop Mappa page 7 32 with the follow Removal and Installation procedure should be revised to mg pmcpdupat include removing and re installing the instrument cluster Removal Revise the 1965 Corvair Shop Manual page 7 33 to in 1 Remove the instrument Cluster as described OH page clude the following procedure Also revise Section 12 12 10 in SGLHOU 12 Of Qthg Corvair Chassis Shop page 12 10 Instrument Cluster Removal to include if Manual equipped with air conditioning remove and re install left 2 Remove the E retainer Fig 7E 4 and disconnect dash OZZ1 the control cable from the range selector assembly Ri m0V l 3 Remove the nut securing the control cable to its 1 Remove the instrument cluster as described in Sec attaching bracket on the range selector and free the tion 12 of the 1965 Corvair Shop Manual cable from the range selector 2 Disconnect the control cable from the range selector 4 Disconnect electrical leads to the neutral safety as described in Range Selector Assembly switch and remove control knobs and knob stud then Removal l complete removal by removing two screws attaching 3 Remove tunnel covers range selector assembly to instrument cluster and 4 At front of vehicle remove cable from the dash clip removing the quadrant light from its clip on the Fig 7E 5 and from beneath parking brake pulley selector shaft 5 If range selector is to be replaced remove the neu 5 Remove cable from the three body harness clips in tral safety switch the tunnel Repairs 6 Remove the grommet plate at the rear of the tunnel The range selector assembly is serviced only as an fr th Cable Sheath lmm the p13 t and femme the clip in the underbody kick up area assembly 7 Disconnect the throttle rods from the TV lever on lnstullution the transmission 1 If a new range selector assembly is being installed 8 Complete cable removal by rotating the transmission loosely attach the neutral safety switch Specific TV lever its full limit to free the cable ball from the instructions for this installation are on page 12 7 in inner manual valve lever slot in the transmission and Section 12 of the Corvair Chassis Shop Manual withdraw the cable Bow the cable towards the center 2 Secure the range selector assembly to the instrument line of vehicle to guide cable through the hole in en cluster with two screws and insert the quadrant light gine front support in its bracket 3 Insert the shift cable into its mounting bracket on the Repairs range selector The attachment of the cable to the Th range Selector Cable mth HS mm gmmmets aw bracket is critical so be sure that the flat on the Servlced Only as an assembly cable sheath is flush when the cable is installed Fig lnstullution 7E 4 Holding the sheath nut withawrench install Refer to the 1965 Chassis Shop Manual installation the sheet metal nut on the threaded portion of the procedures on page 7 33 j R Alt SHOP MANIIAL ilPPLEMi t 4T CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT