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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |

CHARGING SYSTEM 6Y 9 1 With ignition off perform the prescribed Static Checks outlined in this section Then set hand brake go Now wm mus Nor and shift transmission into neutral UNDER ANY CONDITION 4 It I 2 Connect a voltmeter from junction block to ground at f I regulator base ri 4 ei S t CAUTION Be sure meter clip does not touch a 3 resistor or terminal extension under regulator E J K r i 5 i i 3 Connect a tachometer on engine O i 4 Models equipped with Indicator Lamp Turn ignition H switch to ON position and check indicator lamp If t i lamp fails to glow perform appropriate tests and ADJUSTING SCREW corrections Indicator Lamp Circuit Tests before EE Tum Te Ad T I V we Voltage Setting continuing Models equipped with Ammeter Turn ignition switch to ACC with an accessory on and check ammeter FIS 3 AdI I V I 9 ttI 9 lf ammeter fails to read discharge check Ammeter Circuit before continuing 5 Models equipped with Indicator Lamp If lamp glows start the engine and run it at 1500 rpm or above Check indicator lamp If lamp fails to go out per ADJUSTING REGULATOR VOLTAGE form appropriate test and corrections Indicator Lamp Circuit Test before continuing Models equipped with Ammeter If ammeter reads 7 Connect a 1 2 ohm 25 watt fixed resistor purchased discharge start the engine and observe ammeter If commercially into the charging circuit at junction meter fails to move toward charge from original block as shown in Figure 2c 2 r Tgggslygg gii Eiiiigggngorrections NOTE Between both leads and the terminal NOTE At this point 3 field Circuit has been S 8 Run engine at 1500 rpm or above for at least 15 min tabirshed and any other problem win be in the utee ef em ep then eyele reemetee Voltage eemel by disconnecting and re connecting regulator con generator or regulator nector and read voltage 6 Turn on high beam headlights and heater blower If voltage is 12 5 to 15 2 the regulator is okay motor to high speed run engine at or above 1500 rpm If voltage is not within 12 5 to 15 2 volts leave for a few minutes if necessary and read the voltage engine running at 1500 rpm or above and on meter a Disconnect four terminal connector and remove NOTE Voltage Wm not greatly exceed 12 1 2 regulator cover Then re connect four terminal connector and adjust voltage to 14 2 to 14 6 VOIIS umu the battery develops a Surface charg b Disconnect four terminal connector and reinstall e few i tee ee eee Y umeee the battery is regulator cover then reinstall connector Severely d1S ed r IS hot c Continue running engine at 1500 rpm for 5 10 If reading is minutes to re establish regulator internal tem a 12 1 2 volts or more turn off electrical loads perature stop engine and proceed to Step 7 d Cycle regulator voltage by disconnecting and re b Less than 12 1 2 volts perform Delcotron Out connecting regulator connector Read voltage put Test A reading between 12 5 and 15 2 indicates a good 1 Delcotron tests bad refer to Service Op regulator gigglgns and repmr D 1COtI On them repeat CAUTION l3e sure four terminal regulator 2 Delcoigron tests d d t 1 t connector is disconnected when removmgnr in goo isconnec reguaor connector remove regulator cover and re connect the connector Then repeat Step 6 and turn voltage adjusting screw fig 3c to raise setting to 12 1 2 volts On transistor regulator remove pipe plug insert screw VOLTAGE REGULATOR driver into slot and turn clockwise one or two notches to increase setting Turning coun The voltage regulator used on air conditioned models terclockwise decreases setting For each incorporates an internal field discharge diode in the field notch moved the voltage setting will change circuit eliminating the special wiring harness used on approximately 3 volt Turn off loads stop previous models A wiring diagram of the internal cir engine and proceed to Step 7 If 12 1 2 volts cuitry is shown in Figure 2 This regulator may be used cannot be obtained install a new regulator and to service both double contact regulator models currently repeat Step 6 released however both regulators will be available CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT