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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |
The factory installed tires on the Corvair are selected Corvuir Tire Usuge to provide the best all around tire performance for all normal operation When inflated as recommended in the Standard tu S for COTVMTS ar 7 00 X 13 4 ply I atmg tire inflation pressure table they have the load carrying 2 p1y Optwnal tlres me not aVa11ab1 capacity to operate satisfactorily at all loads up toeand Spare I ire and Jack Smwuge including the specified full rated load at all normal high way speeds Air Conditioned vehicles have the spare tire mounted in In addition for those owners who may prefer the utmost the luggage compartment A scissors type jack is stowed in comfort optional tire inflation pressures may be used under the tire A wheel nut wrench with hub cap remover when loads of five passengers or less are carried is located in the left front corner of the luggage compart ment Inflmhon pressures full range of driving conditions To insure the proper tire inflation pressure for any particular requirements follow the recommendations in Wheel Bqlqnqing the tire inflation pressure table found in the specifications section at the rear of this manual Keep tires properly hcqfvagi W1 WEB thwhi Ccxsrsl 52 Eagialihg inflated and check inflation pressures periodically This W 6515 jays W1 B we G9 C 8 m Q will insure the best tire life and riding comfort over the OH E W 69 CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT