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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966
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Fouk SPEED TRANSMISSION 7 13 V 3 V V is IEE A f s AEi Q EEEE Yr s EE E S EEQ V E V I I VV E s EEE E V I E E V EE E is SIV I I QV ss h i s EEV s I EEEEEEE V V c 2 I V EVVVVV V VVv V V E a ll EEE Q V I x PQ v z V s VV V ji V I g K l T I gl g V V V V 4 VV V VV V V V A A VV V M s BV as ss V n ot jws V I E I V VV g e EVV i I kd Q L J N V 4VV J FIS 2B 4 P s We Ceres F tl Assembly pag 4B Reverse shane shan es Head Installed to cave 7 Drop two interlock balls in upper surface of left hand lower hole of the right hand boss so that the pro boss truding portion allows assembly of the first and 8 Insert two detent reverse shaft two detents first second shifter head onto the shaft in the upper hole of the left hand boss so that the 14 Assemble the first and second shifter head and fork protruding portion allows assembly of the reverse assembly onto the shaft with the fork hole to the left shifter head onto the shaft and the sel ector slot downward Move the middle or 9 Assemble the reverse shifter head over the reverse 3 4 shaft to the right or 3rd detent 4th gear posi shaft with its notch over the third and fourth shaft tion to aid installation of 1 2 shifter head then slip the reverse shaft through the notch in the 15 Complete insertion of shaft through the left hand third and fourth shifter head boss while lining up the shaft detents with the detent 10 Complete insertion of shaft through the right hand ball Stop at the second neutral detent boss while lining up the shaft detents with the detent 16 Line up holes in head and shaft insert pin Fig 5B ball Stop at the 2nd neutral detent 17 If reverse lever pin was removed from blind hole 11 Line up holes in head and shaft insert pin Fig 4B at left of third and fourth shaft press into cover 12 Drop two interlock balls in lower surface left hand until pin protrudes 724 720 boss so that they clear the cross passage detent 18 Insert reverse lever over pin hole Drop the remaining detent spring and ball in 19 Line up reverse lever slot with pin hole in reverse the left hand boss shaft Install pin and one E washer so the washer 13 Insert the remaining shaft three detents first in the is under lever insert E washer to retain pin ip e Vr 7 I 6 I J A 4 I V VVV in IVVV VVVVVV islrsyy VV s s VV VV ssss V ss ei s V O I s s it ig Vsss V rts Vsi V s I VV Vs I V s as r si E as V Y gV V s V I i W s VV I 4 ssss E V iff ss l Vss sssVV s V siss s I V f f f s V i s s V i I i VVV V is V s S J i VVVV VVVV V V I V V 1 I V I iss sfsi V s s E i X V V t V sssi V V e V V s R V M I X Flg 38 3 4 Shifter Shaft Head Installed to Cover Fig 5B 1 2 Shifter Shaft 8 Head Installed t0 COVGF CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT