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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |
ENGINE FUEL 6M 4 f SPECIFIED GAUGE BETWEEN LOWER EDGE OF CHOKE VALVE AND AIR HORN WALL FI PF Da D W j M I A e ii I 7 ew II d VENT VALVE SHOULD F JUST START TO OPEN 0 Ow FAST IDLE TANG j BEND TANG ON SECOND r TO ADJUST kf Ow STEP OF FAST D j IDLE CAM NEXT e w elwewweto HIGHEST A L Q step BEND TANG TO ADJUST SPECIFIED GAUGE BETWEEN EDGE OF VALVE AND BORE Fig 8 Choke Rod Adjustment OPPOSITE IDLE NEEDLE Place fast idle tang on the second step of the fast idle Fig 6 IdI Ve tV Iv Adiuslmenl cam next to the highest step then the specified gauge should just fit between the idle speed screw and edge of Choke Unlouder Adjustment Fig 9 the throttle level To adjust hold throttle valve wide open and rotate NOTE A rubber band meY begsed t h 1d the choke valve to closed position until contact is made at threttle valve in the elesed Pesmen while mak unloader tang then the specified gauge should just fit ing the initial idle Setting between lower edge of choke valve and inner air horn wall To adjust bend unloader tang on throttle lever NOTE A rubber band may be used to hold the throttle valve in the open position F I Idle Adjustment Hg I0 fg j5 jEQD EUgf QELQEEN Insert a strip of paper between idle speed screw and VALVE AND WALL OF AIR HORN throttle lever then holding throttle lever in the closed V position turn idle screw in until a firm drag is felt on j the strip of paper Turn idle speed screw in 1 1 2 O A additional turns I ROD BEND ROD 0 QSSAISET to Aoiust PUSH DIAPHRAGM SLOK I PLUNGER IN UNTIL 0 O IT SEATS WFT 7 tHRomE SPECIFIED GAUGE VALVE WIDE BETWEEN LOWER 4 OPEN EDGE OF CHOKE U VALVE AND WALL OF AIR HORN BEND TANG TO ADJUST O Fig 7 V cuum BrecII Adjustment Fig 9 ChoI e Unlooder Adjustment CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMEIM