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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |
BRAKES 5 3 HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID IIA I I U Use GM Hydraulic Brake Fluid Supreme No 11 or IEEE equivalent when servicing brakes This brake fluid is y J V y V V 4 K eetiefeeterv for ew Climate we has all the qualities rscs rrrrcr II rrr it I I ss II I f I I I necessary for proper operation such as a high boiling V i point t0 prevent vapor lock and the ability to remain L i i f i ii i ii iL at 10W temperatures In the event that improper fluid has entered the sys W p V gm it will be necessary to service the system 35 i I I v i E T F I follows 1I Dram the were System rvr iii Ivlvrl Iiei r 2 Thoroughly flush the system with clean alcohol 188 ei IIAI Zig E EE proof or hydraulic system cleaning fluid such as I UVVLV I ri V D Cl n lcr ci r r i iiii i 3 Replace all rubber parts of the system including A I A brake hoses r Vyyy 4 Refill the system w e M L i 5 Bleed the system S y gx E QI r r gggigvv it te I we II I r I BLEEDING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM II M yr syyeeynye ttl The hydraulic brake System must be bled h Y my Z line has been disconnected or air has in some way II I I IIIV lll llll entered the system A spongy pedal feeling when the L II brakes are applied may indicate presence of air inthe c I II i E I system The system must be absolutely free of air at all times Bleeding should be done on the longest line first Fig 4 Br ke Bleeder Adopter Tebl J 22 489 Installed the proper sequence to follow is left rear right rear right front are left front rig 3 Bleeding btbraire sys 4 1 ete11 brake bleeder Wrench Teei J 21472 en tem may be performed by me Or two methOdS either bleeder valve at wheel cylinder and install one end of pygssurg Or 1 nanu3 b1 d I hose OH b1 d X valve 5 5 Pour a sufficient amount of brake fluid into a trans parent container to insure that end of bleeder hose PRESSURE BLEEDING will remain submerged during bleeding Place the Clean au dirt from tgp gf main Cylinder and remove loose end of bleeder hose into the container Be sure cylinder cover and rubber diaphragm the hdse end is submerged in the fluid 2 Reduce fluid level in main cylinder until reservoirs yyrr Q yyrry V A W r if are approximately half full y e k k rrrr s g my NOTE Make sure brake fluid in bleeder equip 5 Iy ment is at operating level and that the equipment F I i II IIi is capable of exerting 30 to 50 lbs hydraulic JI I in V pressure on the brake system r y e y 3 Install brake bleeder adapter J 22489 Fig 4 on f Aj ie main cylinder Connect hose from bleeder equipment me Q I to bleeder adapter and open release valve on bleeder Jr y I I i equipment E X RF RR g v A e A I I I FRQNT 0 I if Im II I ii I I I yyy LF LR e I yv e I I I t I i V A II III r II y I I I yr I I r II I gr r 4 1 l Fig 5 B eeo ing Brakes Using Broke Bieeder Wrench Fig 3 Correct Bleeding Sequence TGOI J 2l472 CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT