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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |
The factory installed tires for the Corvair are selected SPARE T RE AND JAQK STQWAGE to provide the best all around tire performance for all normal operations They are designed to operate satis factorily with loads up to and including the specified full Air Conditioned vehicles have the spare tire mounted rated load capacity of the vehicle when inflated as recom in the luggage compartment A scissors type jack and mended in the tire inflation pressure table that follows wrench with wheel nut hub cap remover are stowed The standard tire size for all 1966 Corvairs is 7 00 x under the tire 13 4 ply rating 2 ply INFLATION PRESSURES comfort over the full range of driving conditions To ensure the proper tire inflation pressure for the When loads above average are carried use inflation owners particular requirements follow the recommenda pressure recommended for full rated load Tire inflation tions in the tire inflation pressures table Properly in pressures may increase as much as 6 pounds per square flated tires will ensure the best tire life and riding inch psi when hot VEHICLE CAPACITY RATING AND RECOMMENDED TIRE INFLATION PRESSURES PSI TIRES COOL Average Load Full Rated Load All Models sxcspt Models 1 to 5 Passengers 6 Passengers 200 Trunk Load Wlth Buckst Seats 750 Load 1100 Load F R F t R Tire Inflation Pressures psi Ilznt g w T 5814 Models with Bucket Seats 1 to 5 Passengers 5 Passengers 200 Trunk Load except Convertibles 750 Load 950 Load R F R Tire Inflation Pressures psi Flignt ggr gut gg C tbl 1 to 5 Passengers 5 Passengers 200 Trunk Load r 1 QS 750 Load 950 Load R F t R Tire Inflation Pressures psi Fligm SST Iign ggr 1 For continuous high speed operation increase front durability and riding comfort of the car Under tire inflation pressure 2 pounds per square inch and inflation will promote heat and abnormal wear rear tire inflation pressure 4 pounds per square 3 Cool tire inflation pressure after vehicle has been inch over the recommended pressure but not to inoperative for 3 hours or more or driven less than exceed a maximum pressure of 32 pounds per square 1 mile Hot tire inflation pressure after vehicle inch cool has been driven 10 miles or more at 60 70 miles 2 Over inflation will adversely affect the tires and the per hour WHEEL BALANCING RIGHT FRONT RIGHT REAR Corvairs with wire wheel covers should have the wheels balanced with the wire wheel covers installed CMI i on the wheel SPARE SWITCHING TIRES Claw L i Rotate tires as shown every 6000 miles to distribute LEFT FRONT LEFT REAR wear over all five tires This will help to obtain maxi mum service from the tires Fig I TIre Rorurion CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT