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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |

BATTERY The hold down bolt should be kept tight enough to prevent the battery from shaking around in its holder but should not be tightened to the point where the battery case will The battery tray and battery are redesigned to in be placed under a severe strain Recommended hold corporate a lower side clamping type of battery reten down bolt torque is 60 to 80 in lbs Other service op tion Installation of the battery is shown in Figure l erations remain essentially the same as 1965 models l OQ I S 1 g Q R E I 7 if K 7 e 9 f ij 7 7 i i if r T G r j I I T ry kx Q 3 5 yeait V F 4 I ssl l e t t 1 T T Ms ee E I gi tg Vari I 2 kn y T 9 l I is all t S Ai I T I T re allies Ii ll I A ZM 1 c k Q T I E ll T FLUSH to vw Below top or Post I in i T I t I RING I Fig I Battery Instullcntion VOLTAGE REGULATOR IGNITION SWITCH SPECIAL TOOL The voltage regulator used on air conditioned models Redesigned of the ignition switch attaching nut re is revised to incorporate an internal field discharge diode quired the release of Special Tool J 22305 fig 3 to in the field circuit eliminating the special wiring harness assist in the removal of the nut Otherwise service used on previous models A wiring diagram of the procedures remain essentially the same as outlined in internal circuitry is shown in Figure 2 Service pro the 1965 Corvair Shop Manual cedures are unchanged as described in the 1965 Corvair Shop Manual CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT