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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |
REAR AXLE AND REAR SUSPENSION 4 5 If the pattern shows a heel contact C it indi cates too much backlash Make correction as for H B however loosen left hand differential adjusting lk nut and tighten right hand adjusting nut to move ring 2 gear toward pinion Backlash must remain within 4 V limits xgwk If the pattern shows a high face contact D it E T r S indicates that ins pinion is too my dnt that is inn r E V E T i t T A i To correct a pattern such as in D it will be J A necessary to install a thicker pinion shim as de A 2 A scribed under Pinion and or Bearing Replacement V A OO3 thicker shim is recommended as a starting i Q j R A T E point Continued changes may be necessary to obtain vi T 3 Ti V I E V rggr the Correct S tting i T aft T iiiis C ii ins pattern shows a flank contact ME it indi 3 qa Vijji g cates that the pinion is in too far To correct E T T T replace the pinion shim with a OO3 thinner shim E E iiii and recheck contact pattern Y p t 5 ift In making pinion adjustments be sure that back T 6 lash is correct before retesting for tooth pattern T isiic T 4 Moving the pinion in reduces backlash and moving V V T the pinion out increases backlash T NOTE When proper tooth contact is obtained r A nw i wipe gear marking compound from gears and A A carrier with cloth moistened with clean gasoline or kerosene Fig T2 DeveIoping Contact Pattern face while the part below the pitch line is called DRIVE SIDE COAST SIDE the flank The space between adjacent meshing HEEL T TOE TOE HEEL teeth is referred to as backlash EXAMPLE HA Figure 14 shows correct and incorrect contact DESIRABLE PATTERN patterns For illustrative purposes coast side CORRECT SHTM T of gear contact is shown Drive and coast side of CORRECT BACKLASH gear teeth will have identical contact patterns T E Tooth pattern A provides the ideal bearing for quietness and long life If the pattern shows atoe contact B it indicates not enough backlash To H H EE correct move the ring gear away from the pinion Tg EAg g T A21 and tightening left hand adjusting nut l NOTE Make adjustment one notch at a time it T repeat check with red lead and continue adjust ment until tooth contact appears as in A A EXAMPLE UC Backlash must remain within limits HEEL CONTACT sss DECREASE BACKLASH FACE M PITCH LINE E BACKLASH OO5 OO8 CLEARANCE THICKER SHIM T REQUIRED iit iriiiitii THE HEEL OF THE GEAR TOOTH IS THE LARGE EXAMPLE E END AND THE TOE S A Tii FLANK coNTAcT THE SMALL END THINNER SHIM VTTLVTTTTIT W R E Q U R E D Fig T3 Gear Tooth Nomenclature Fig l4 Ring Gear Contact Patterns CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT