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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 10 May 1981 |
C410 1981 CHEVROLET TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS I Indicates Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR BASIC INTJ BIG 4 PARTS 19 Black 15 Si verILt GraylDk Gray 26 Dk Blue 45 Med WaxberrylDk Waxberry 77 Y Dk Maple 47 Med JadestoneIDk Jadestone 63 Lt SandstonelLt SandstonelDk Doeskin 64 Med D0eskinlDk Doeskin 75 Med RedlMedrRed Dk Maple SEAT OPTIONS CODE LEGEND A51 Z Bucket A52 Z Regular Bench AMSZ 55 45 Front Seat AR9 Z Bucket Reclining Back ATB Z 50I50 PlSeat Recliner TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEATS OR DOORS DOORS D Z Deluxe I Z 1st Design C Z Cloth M Z Custom 2 Z 2nd Design V Z Vinyl S Z Standard 3 Z 3rd Design 4 Z 4th Design 5 Z 5th Design A Z Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 Z Black The Third Number of Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Vinyl B C D E G H J All Vinyl N R V W Y Z WAREl IOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONZCHEVROLETZIOZT 63