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INTRODUCTION o PAM cAuuoouE w eiu INTRODUCTION This Master Parts Catalogue number 621A su rsedes Catalogue 616 1 and applicable revisions which should now be destroyed It contains all the 962 Corvair Service Parts information available to date as well as the most recent 196 A 61 parts data and illustrations Complete familiarity with the information contained on these pages as well as the general format of the book will prove helpful in locating and ord ring the desired parts The catalogue is arranged in the following manner PREFACE PAGES 4e S K6 td 4 PW are listed on page XII 7 CQuOk by us I of Body and Engine Serial plate information for both Canadian and Imported dels is shown in detail on pages VI to IX inclusive 4o e pJwJlGexd 4 used throughout the Catalogue is shown on page XII Q and thos illustrations showing various group numbers can be ILLUSTRATIONS found in the General Illu tration section preceding Group 0 000 4dQe1116k lNod having reference for the most part to a specific group are shown immediately p eceding the applicable Group Section iOd Itd are used some past model illustrations to eliminate the necessity of having to refer o other publications for group reference information These illustrations will c rry the word TYPICAL immediately following the heading Should it become necessa to revise the typical type illustration to show specific 1960 62 information the applicable pages will be superseded by Replacement Page Service PARTS DATA The Standard GM Group ng System is followed throughout and for convenience in locating the various roup Sections are listed on the contents page at the front of the book All Group numbers are s own in numerical sequence In many cases service parts of an Assembly are listed in the same group as the assembly In these instances reference to the service part is made in the group heading and the part itself is shown jdirectly following the assembly The first number from th left under the group heading is the quantity required per job The second nu ber is the current part number to order for the application shown The num r shown in brackets is the superseded number which can be used while stock is available e g supersedes 1234567 All part numbers that new for the 1962 applications are indicated by the use of an asterisk suffix hose part numbers that are new since the publishing of the June Revision to th 1960 61 Master Parts Catalogues are shown in a similar manner i Those items not availabll directly from your supplying warehouse are noted e g Serviced by your De co Remy Distributor Serviced by Carter Stations etc HARTS All Data appearing in a charted form is located as close as possible to the annlicable eroun For a detailed list of all charted information see nages X XI