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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1981 |
ALPHABETICAL INDEX CLAMP Air Conditioning Evaporator Expansion DIAPHRAGM Air Conditioning Evaporator By Valve r 9 214 Pass r r 9 198 CLAMP Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 DISTRIBUTOR ASSY Defroster 4 9 779 CLAMP Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 196 DISTRIBUTOR Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CLAMP Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 CLAMP Air Glow 9 786 DOOR ASSY Cowl 9 789 CLAMP By Pass Mounting 9 199 DUCT Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CLAMP Rear Window Defogger 9 778 Distributor and Astro Venti ation 9 262 CLIP Air Conditioning Compressor Sucton and DUCT Air Glow 9 786 Discharge 9 226 DUCT Cowl 9 789 CLIP Air Conditioning Control 9 281 DUCT Rear Window Defogger 4 9 778 CLIP Air Conditioning Electrical Temperature and Blower Motor Control l 9 275 CLIP Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Distributor and Astro VentiIation 9 262 E CLIP Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 CLIP Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 CLIP Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 196 ELBOW Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Inlet 9 218 CLIP Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 ELEMENT Cigarette Lighter 9 709 CLIP Air Glow 9 786 ESCUTCHEON Air Conditioning Control 9 279 CLIP Body Mounting 9 023 EXTENSION Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CLIP Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 CLIP Instrument Case Face 9 748 EXTENSION Air Conditioning Evaporator Air 9 260 CLIP Instrument Case 9 744 CLIP Instrument 9 743 CLIP Radio Noise Suppression 9 663 CLIP Rear Window Defogger 9 778 F CLOCK Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 CLUTCH DRIVE ASSY Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch Actuating 9 186 FAN Air Conditioning Evaporator Blower Motor 9 216 COIL Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch FAN Rear Window Defogger 9 778 Actuating 9 186 FASTENER Cowl 9 789 COMPRESSOR Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 170 FELT Air Conditioning Remote Evaporator Air CONDENSER REPAIR KIT Air Conditioning Distributor Outlet 9 264 Refrigerant 9 190 FERRULE Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CONDENSER Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 Distributor and Astro VentiIation 9 262 CONDUCTOR Instrument Case Face 9 748 FILLER Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CONNECTOR Air Conditioning Control 9 281 Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 CONNECTOR Air Conditioning Electrical FILTER Instrument Case Face 9 748 Temperature and Blower Motor Control 9 275 FILTER Radio 9 654 CONNECTOR Air Conditioning Evaporator Air FILTER Seat Belt Check Doors and Low Fuel Distributor and Astro Venti ation 9 262 Warning Lights 9 765 CONNECTOR Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 220 FILTER Tachometer 9 750 CONNECTOR Air Glow 9 786 FITTING Air Conditioning Compressor Sucton CONTROL Air Conditioning Instrument Panel 9 273 and Discharge 9 226 CONTROL ASSY Air Conditioning Evaporator FUSE ASSY Air Conditioning Compressor Air Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 Internal 9 172 CONTROL ASSY Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 CONTROL Radio Control 9 649 CONVECTOR Lead 9 651 CORE Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass 9 198 G CORE ASSY Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 210 COVER Air Conditioning Compressor Internal 9 172 COVER Air Conditioning Electrical Temperature GASKET Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Test 9 177 and Blower Motor Control 9 275 GASKET Air Conditioning Compressor Pressure COVER Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Relief 9 178 Distributor and Astro Venti ation 9 262 GASKET Air Conditioning Evaporator Air COVER Air Glow 9 786 Distributor and Astro Venti ation 9 262 COVER Antenna 9 647 GASKET Air Conditioning Evaporator Core COVER Clock Mounting and Attaching 9 772 Housing 9 211 COVER Cowl 9 789 GASKET Air Conditioning Evaporator Expansion I COVER Instrument Case 9 746 Valve 9 214 COVER Rear and Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 GASKET Air Glow 9 786 COVER Rear Window Defogger 9 778 GASKET Antenna 9 647 CRANK Cowl 9 789 GASKET Cowl 9 789 CUSHION ASSY Body Mounting 9 023 GASKET Instrument Case 9 749 CYLINDER ASSY Air Conditioning less C utch 9 170 GASKET Rear and Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 GASKET Rear Window Defogger 9 778 GAUGE Instrument Cluster Vacuum 9 755 GEAR Safety Light 9 773 D GRILLE Air Conditioning Control 9 279 GRILLE Air Conditioning Remote Evaporator Air Distributor Outlet 9 264 DAMPER ASSY Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 170 GRILLE Cowl 9 789 DEFLECTOR Air Conditioning Evaporator Core GRILLE Rear and Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 Housing 9 211 GRILLE Rear Window Defogger 9 778 DEFLECTOR Air Conditioning Remote GROMMET Air Conditioning Control 9 281 Evaporator Air Distributor Outlet 9 264 GROMMET Air Conditioning Electrical DEFLECTOR Air Glow 9 786 Temperature and Blower Motor Control 9 275 DEFLECTOR Cowl 9 789 GROMMET Air Conditioning Evaporator Core DESICCANT Air Conditioning Refrigerant with Housing 9 211 Dehydrator 9 195 GROMMET Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 196 DIAL Instrument Case Face 9 748 GROMMET Wiring and Pipes 9 775 DIAL PKG Air Conditioning Control 9 279 GUARD Air Conditioning Evaporator Expansion 9 213 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON CHEVROLET 11 INDEX 9 2 A