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<- Illustration Index Parts and Illustration Catalog 44W January 1982
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MG1 2 13 1982 GJ47 BODY SHEET METAL 1 PANEL Roof 12 810 34 DOOR ASM Front Incl Items 32 2 BOW Roof Longitudinal Upr V 12 952 33 10 351 3 BOW Roof 12 952 35 REINFORCEMENT Frt Door Outer 4 PANEL Back Window Inr Upr 12 971 Panel at Mirror RH 10 186 5 LID ASM Compartment 12 181 36 FRAME ASM Windshield l wr NI S 6 RAIL ASM Side Roof 12 957 37 PANEL ASM Shroud Upr 12 804 7 EXTENSION Body Lock Pillar Otr Upr 38 PANEL Dash Nl S Panel 12 942 39 PLATE ASM Fdr on Dash Mount Frt 12 804 8 PANEL Body Lock Pillar Inr Upr 12 942 40 SUPPORT Windshield Glass 10 027 9 REINFORCEMENT Qtr Outer Panel At 41 SUPPORT Windshield Lwr Mldg Otr 10 096 Belt N S 42 SUPPORT Windshield Lwr Mldg Inr 10 096 10 PANEL Qtr Inr Upr 12 941 43 PAN ASM Floor N S 11 FILLER IOtr Outer Panel to Otr 44 SUPPORT Floor Mount Auto Trans Window Frt 12 940 All Exc Pontiac 10 240 12 PANEL ASM Otr Outer Incl Item 45 SUPPORT Shelf Panel Extension to 13 12 940 Compt 12 971 13 PANEL Otr Outer Cmp of Item 12 12 940 46 STRIKER Compartment Lid 12 237 14 EXTENSION Otr Outer to Rear End 47 HOUSING Shoulder Belt Retainer 14 675 Panel 12 940 48 PANEL Rocker Otr 12 934 15 SUPPORT Otr Otr Ext to Rear End 49 PANEL ASM Body Lock Pillar Otr Lwr 12 942 Panel 12 940 50 ROD Torque Compartment Lid Hinge 12 187 16 RETAINER Rear End Panel to Bpr Otr 51 REINFORCEMENT Rear Seat to Back Filler 4AJ47 Styles 12 966 Window Panel 12 971 17 EXTENSION Otr Outer Panel to Compt 52 REINFORCEMENT Frt Body Hinge Pan 12 981 Pillar Inr Panel 12 1559 18 EXTENSION Rear Seat to Back 53 PANEL Frt Body Hinge Pillar Lwr 12 840 Window Panel 12 971 54 PLATE Frt Fender Mount 8 141 19 BRACE Gutter to Wheelhouse N S 55 FRAME ASM Windshield Side 12 307 20 BRACE Compt Lid Hinge to 56 EXTENSION Compartment Pan Rr 12 1981 Wheelhouse 12 944 57 BRACE Windshield Lwr Frame 21 SUPPORT ASM Lic Plate Back Up Reinforcement to Upr 12 1550 Lamp Package 7 800 58 SUPPORT Compt Frt Panel 12 1971 22 PANEL Wheelhouse Otr 12 944 59 PANEL Back Window Inr Lwr 12 1964 23 SUPPORT Hinge Compartment Lid N S 60 PANEL Compartment Frt 12 1971 24 PANEL ASM Quarter Inr Lwr 12 941 61 SUPPORT Compt Frt Panel Center 12 1971 I 25 PANEL Rear End Inr 12 966 62 SUPPORT Compt Frt Panel Outer 12 1971 26 PANEL Rear End 12 966 63 GUTTER Quarter Window Drain 12 1940 27 FILLER Compt Pan to Quarter Panel 12 986 64 PANEL Body Lock Pillar Otr Upr 12 942 28 REINFORCEMENT ASM Compt Pan at 65 FRAME ASM Windshield Upr 12 807 Fuel Tank 12 981 66 FRAME Windshield Inr Upr 12 807 29 PAN ASM Compartment Rr 12 981 REINFORCEMENT Windshield Upr 30 PANEL ASM Rocker Inr 12 934 Frame W CC1 12 807 31 COVER Compt Pan Gage Drain Hole 12 981 67 PANEL Rear Seat to Back Window 12 971 32 BAR ASM Frt Door Otr Cmp of Item 68 BOX Compt Lid Hinge 12 184 34 12 895 69 STRAP Compt Lid Hinge 12 184 33 PANEL ASM Frt Door Otr Cmp of Item 34 12 895 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON BUICK 44W 1 82 12 69 12 000 GROU P