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<- Fuel System Corvair Shop Manual January 1961 Body ->
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FuE1 All I I PagE General Description 9 lE Maintenance and Adjustments 9 lE Trouble Diagnosis and Testing 9 lE Inspection and Test 9 lE Service Operations 9 li Removal from Engine 9 11 GENERAL PUMP PRESSURE SPRING la PREFORMED FUEL DIAPHRAGM OIL SEAL VALVE PULSATOR DIAPHRAGM O RING i Fig 9 31 Fuel Pump Section View MAINTENANCE The fuel pump should be checked regularly to makE sure that the mounting bolt cover to body bolts an TROUBLE DIAGf INSPECTION AND TEST Always check pump while it is mounted on the en gine and be sure there is gasoline in the tank The line from the tank to the pump is the suctior PUMP Series VDEX Page Disassembly 9 17 Cleaning and Inspection 9 18 Assembly 9 18 Installation 9 18 Troubles and Remedies 9 20 Specifications 9 28 DESCRIPTION The fuel pump used on the Corvair engine is of the diaphragm type figs 9 31 and 9 32 It is operated by a push rod which rides on an eccentric located near the rear end of the engine crankshaft The return spring is incorporated into the push rod If w 6 w t rw J Fig 9 32 Fuel Pump Installed AND ADJUSTMENTS inlet and outlet connections are tight i IOSIS AND TESTING side of the system and the line from the pump to the carburetors is the pressure side of the system A leak on the pressure side therefore would be made appar i ent by dripping fuel but a leak on the suction would