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6 7 8 9 1 W W 1 v i F W L 10 1 2 3 4 5 L L Fig 9 18 Carbu 1 Accelerator Actuating Pump 8 Pump Dischc lever 9 Venfuri Clus 2 Pump Rod 10 Idle Mixture 3 Clip Spring 4 Float Bowl 11 Curb Idle Ac 5 Accelerator Pump Return Spring Spring 12 Idle Mixture 6 Main Metering Jet 13 Curb Idle Ac 7 Venturi Cluster Gasket 14 Throttle Valv grooves and misalignment Such a condition requires replacement E Inspect pump plunger leather replace pump if damaged or worn F Inspect pump well in fuel bowl for wear or being scored G Check that main well nozzle and idle tube is not bent Should be exactly 90 from body 18 J 17 19 15 16 f 21 20 14 13 12 11 etor Bowl Exploded rge Valve 15 Throttle Valve Kick Lever er Spring Adjusting Screw 16 Fast Idle Screw Spring 17 Throttle Valve Kick Lever Screw jusfing Screw 18 Throttle Valve 19 Throttle Valve Retaining Screws Adjusting Screw 20 Fast Idle Adjusting Screw jusfing Screw 21 Throttle Valve Lever and Shaft e Kick Lever H Check choke shaft for wear and choke valve for nicks 4 Inspect gaskets to see if they appear hard or brittle or if the edges are torn or distorted If any such condition is noted they must be replaced 5 Check filter element for dirt or lint Clean and if it is distorted or remains plugged replace 6 If for any reason parts have become loose or rnevme awn0 MANUAL