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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968 |
A rv A A ss EM B 1 Y ru s rn uvcno N s 3940195 1969 CAMARO 12000 SERIES suoonsrvzn RALLY sponr HEADLAMP Assnzmuv pnocsouna A Headlamp Housing Sub Assembly D Headlamp Door Cover Assembly 1 Housing assembly A 1 Sub Assemble cover H to cover J 4 2 Actuator assembly B 2 Loose assemble cover H t0 p1 lte Adjust 3 Hinge C cover so there is 04 to 170 gap between 4 Plate assembly D cover and grille 5 Headlamp assembly E 3 Drive attachments B Headlamp Housing Assembly 1 Drive Outboard attachments to lender V 2 Loose assemble inboard attachments and shim F if required to radiator support to maintain a parallel line of plate D to pine at mboam edge I Q 0i Q 3 Drive inboard attachments J C Aim Headlamps E F 5 i V c Ivo 1 H L y D L 7 Q P 5W wcaveve L L 01 ER X A Hauswa i as Lis g L 1 l I xs E Hymn ww if x 0 E G ICTUJ UA W XJ FL Y Q U Ax CN V OL 7 MOVOI DNISON GMC UPC NYY svn nevvsqe neon 2 4 2 FL E RALLY spom HEADLAMP E L i fL 1 i0 j L ASSEMBLY pnocroumz L I 8 K 5 Bw 5 DAG REF L L uzA g 0 n 1 L K TT I gu