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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968 |

1 0 A S S E M B L Y I N S T R U C TI O N S 3940195 1969 CAMARO 12000 SERIES NOTE The following components are not ulusuated In mls R P 0 Except an shown below Se Parts List or Bill nd Materials for part D I b9 urc 12 ELECTRICAL 9 121 CIRCUIT BREAKER WERE ASM Assemble samo as RPO C06 sxzsm 6 nfwsz Boar 44 e vsss I l 1 K1 Q ross FMEA ASM NOTE Plug 1 nto fuse panel re ceptacle marked Acc Fused k 0Assemble same as production See Parts List or Bill of Materials for part numbers CHEVlOLE1 MOTOR DDMSAON GMC UPC DAYS svn vevwsx 4 neun u T cn I E wmnow ELECTRICAL CONTROL J 1 1 12000 1 lll awc s 3 Ev er A1 1 4s v L H I nuwe 4 or L 1 L IEKADB J 2 51