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10 Install thrust washer on captive input sun gear in planetary gear set with flange of thrust washer toward the front of the transmission If necessary apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to keep thrust washer centered especially if the assembly is being performed with the transmission assembled to the Power Train 11 Install the clutch drum assembly fig 6E 49 using a slight twist to engage the low sun gear to the planet gears in the planetary gear set 12 If the overhaul is being performed with the transmission mounted in the holding fixture J 7896 turn transmission to a horizontal position then install the low band apply strut and reaction strut fig 6E 50 When the low band linkage is all installed snuggly tighten the low band adjusting screw to prevent struts from falling out of place Then jiggle the clutch drum slightly to center the band and linkage ADJUSTING SCREW REACTION STRUT LOW BAND r APPLY STRUT Y1 LOW SERVO PISTON SHAFT A r Fig 6E 50 Low Band Components Installed 13 Front Selective Thrust Washer Determination Prior to reinstallation of the front pump when overhauling the Powerglide while assembled to the differential carrier and engine determine the front selective thrust washer to be installed with J 8371 as described below CAUTION Use of J 8371 and the following procedure is absolutely limited to overhauls performed while the transmission is assembled to the differential carrier At this point during overhauls performed with the transmission separated from the differential carrier install the original unless necessary to replace thrust washer on the front pump hub without gauging and complete transmission assembly Final end play adjustment would then be made at the rear governor gear as described in Section 6 Power Train e PLUNGER FLUSH OR ABOVE USE 050 THRUST WASHER BELOW FLUSH USE 076 THRUST WASHER i y i Fig 6E 51 Gauging Clutch Drum Thrust Washer with J B371 a Insert the pilot of J 8371 into bore of clutch drum and secure J 8371 to case with two front pump mounting bolts fig 6E 51 Tighten bolts fully to compress pilot spring b Check that plunger fig 6E 51 is fully seated then observe plunger position If plunger is below flush 076 thrust washer is required If plunger is flush or above 050 thrust washer is required c Remove J 8371 and install thrust washer fig 6E 52 selected on front pump hub SELECTIVE CLUTCH DRUM THRUST WASHER Fig 6E 52 Installing front Pump Gasket nnovme cum Awum