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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972
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p r 15 4 TRUEFTRACK BRAKES 1 Smmmmmmoa the solenoid valve and controls hydraulic pressure to the msu vacuu Fw b k S i 7 The modulator is a vacuum diaphragm whieh operates a L J 7 1 rg piston that controls rear brake hydraulic pressure and a V iizgl 0 V VE travel switch Electrical connections are made to the mwmok J solenoid valve and travel switch engine vacuum is ASSMLV connected to the check valve modulator base and solenoid Z F valve and hydraulic connections are made to the balance 4 mvztswrrcu valve and rear brakes ronunwmzts 1 b To mmm WM mvH wm 1g A1 l0N NORMAL BRAKING Frgs 15 6 15 7 and WMECTOR During normal driving conditions an a c voltage is sent by the wheel sensors to the controller When the controller Figr 15 5 M0d 01 is not sensing an impending wheel lock up the modulator vacuum solenoid is without a ground circuit and normal vacuum chamber to atmospheric pressure During a brake apply pressure is transmitted to the rear wheel maximum braking stop the valve will continue to cycle cylinders alternately nrpplying air or vacuum to the modulator until the car speed is less than tive miles per hour or until the OPERATION RELEASE Figs 15 9 15 10and 15 11 brakes are released by the driver7 When the Controller receives a rapid change of frequency from one of the sensors it sends an electrical MODULATOR Fig l5 5 impulse to the solenoid valve which shuts off the vacumn The modulator responds to the air vacuum inputs from port and opens the atmospheric air port The diaphragm mc O c w m m Armosrnsxrc rrrssurr mI L ro was mm me AFI igifaigg rcvwrrow rsmarnat sm V or romrron swim nrt mtr urn n n Emu avsmric a I t t t t t t tt t t I sracrywanr rnsssuar to nNr not Ga nl rn r V QQ Q mq 5 www I nm mn n t I I e T Z ruour mn wir rNc 5 K Wm Rm Am n E amor Jn JJ rar RED HAINESS CONNECVOI RED FF v t tw 1 G N 1 W 47 2 a in r a T vrorar yg VO IGNIVIDN YERMINAL Worn l mar Mrsrrr or rcsrrrcs swrrcn Barre wnmrna e mus I mam MM g w ra gp pumrzap rnwsmnssron M w l if r EEO l w as r Me M S T COMBNAHON VANS E CONNECYOR g ar P aZ L dy il P what mer mv Fig 15 6 0peration Normal Braking l 7 7 7 777 7