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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972
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T I immrok AND curtis 13 1 RADIATOR AND GRILLE li VENTURI FAN SHROUD TORONADO rrcs 1s 1 2 AND 3 DESCRIPTION shroud by a flexible seal The complete assembly is in effect a ducted fan with the front end of the duct drawing air through the radiator core and t he air conditioning A venturi fan shroud cooling system is used on the condenser core Toronado The new system is based on the fact that a fan At higa speeds the radiator shroud would inhibit air will pump more air if it is surrounded by a close fitting ring flow To prevent this a portion of the core is left or duct On the Toronado the ring is mounted on the unshrouded thus permitting an unimpeded higi velocity engine so that relative motion between the radiator fan and flow The result is improved cooling at all speeds plus i the ring is minimized and fan tip clearance can be held to reduced fan noise Cooling is especially better at idle and 1 two tenths of an inch The ring is shaped like aventurzi for city traffic speeds and since better cooling reduces engine best air flow and for extra strength ln order to draw oil temperature better lubrication results together with maxirnmn amounts of air through the radiator core at low reduced engine wear Air conditioning performance is also car speeds the venturi ring is connected to a radiator better due to better condenser cooling SEAL g i xs s s je if t as ar s ft z are f i Qtrr 1 72 t A 5 e v l r r f z g rr i r x V 5 it 1 1 el gm rs 5 Wii ra t sl M si eiat l r z z r q g izgsgoil r r erig t s i iiaynH x2 ag j Zaa g 3 W g i Q i it t i at r 4 t l r r p 2 i j r r Qi grw 2i r n r r K i r P l 1 S l it 1 irt we 1 aw e 3 rt rm inn M r jz t 3 r f t a st ii r e z r ij V n 3 Kr T iaiir r z i i z t t T 3 j i l im i t i E yr i i g i t ctr 1 r w E iiisi W i 2 di5 i s ti i i W VENTURI RING l i I l b J RADlATOR smzoun Fig 13 1 Venturi Fan Shroud l n l l 1 I