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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FRONT END 5C 1 WINDSHIELD ASSEMBLY WINDSHIELD GARNISH AND HEADER MOLDINGS 3 To install header center molding apply 3 l6 bead of medium bodied sealer to entire length of The windshield garnish moldings consist of right underside Oi molrlingy and left side moldings The header moldings on 67 Str1 S S1St 01 rieht and 1eft ends and A Starting at either end nook rear edge or molding 1t m 1 1i e A11 1 1i eS are Secured by under header rotate molding forward snapping 5C1 W F1 5C1 front edge of molding in place Apply additional sealer to underside of end moldings to insure GARNISH MOLDINGS watertight seal at junction of center molding Clean off excess sealer and reverse removal procedure Place protective covering over instrument panel remove attaching screws and moldings REAR VIEW MIRROR SUPPORT HEADER MOLDINGS 67 STYLES Rennovqlnnd InsI Il I n 1 Raise top 1 Place protective covering over instrument panel 2 Remove upper windshield reveal molding sun sliade supports rear view mirror support wind 2 Remove attaching screws and support shield pillar weatlierstrip retainers and header end moldings Remove header center molding attaching 3 To install reverse removal procedure screws pry front edge of center molding loose at one end rotate molding rearward from front edge to remove SUNSHADE SUPPORT B Removal und Insl I II n V B A Aw 1 Remove attaching screws and support on END MOLDING p 6 7 styles raise top prior to removal y P I 2 To install reverse removal procedure PIEADER MOLDING M VIEW A J g I SUNSHADE SUPPORT ATTAOHING SCREWS rrr rrr REAR VIEW MIRROR SUPPORT V ooo I 4L Ee A SECTION AYA APPLY Y I MEDIUM s0oIEo I yE I I H E I semen Ti I I I I m i fit IN APPLY MEDIUMVBODIED I I I 5 i e 9 SEALER e o a r di E IZIQQIQ V I 4 dnl I L E e I HEA EI2 MorL ING SIDE GARNISH I px J I MOLDlNQ cREws END Motomc I L 77 V 1 II r I r I I vnsw OF END OF I W J Mug HEADER Motomc x 3 SECTION as Inn 5 T l fi HBA Fin 5CI WIndsnieId Hedder end End Moldings Fig SC2 Windshield Inside Mdnlinqs ond Hnidwqte